The best way to build software that meets users' needs is to begin with "user stories" simple, clear, brief descriptions of functionality that will be valuable to real users. In User Stories Applied, Mike Cohn provides you with a front-to-back blueprint for writing these user stories and weaving them into your development lifecycle.
Agile Software Development (ASD) is becoming more popular in all fields of industry. For an agile transformation, organizations need to continuously improve their established approaches to Requirements Engineering (RE) as well as their approaches to software development. This is accompanied by some challenges in terms of agile RE. The main objective of this paper is to identify the most important challenges in agile RE industry has to face today. Therefore, we conducted an iterative expert judgement process with 26 experts in the field of ASD, comprising three complementary rounds.
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In sum, we identified 20 challenges in three rounds. Six of these challenges are defined as key challenges. Based on the results, we provide options for dealing with those key challenges by means of agile techniques and tools. The results show that the identified challenges are often not limited to ASD, but they rather refer to software development in general. Therefore, we can conclude that organizations still struggle with agile transition and understanding agile values, in particular, in terms of stakeholder and user involvement.
Compared to sequential approaches to RE, which comprise a requirement analysis phase before the development can even begin, agile RE is carried out along with the development itself. Therefore, continuous management of requirements is a crucial attribute. Requirements are regularly described from a user perspective in the form of epics and user stories [7] instead of creating a requirements document [8]. Recent research is showing that there are several ways of running RE in an agile environment while involving users and stakeholders [5, 9,10,11,12].
All challenges related to the category stakeholder and user are classified as key challenges (C2, C5, C6). Therefore, we can conclude that organizations still struggle to the agile transition. Evolving an agile mindset within a whole organization even in parts that are not close to development is still a challenge companies have to address.
Typically, agile transformation starts in development-oriented parts of an organization. Transforming an organization to become more agile implies a change within the whole organization. The results show that there is a gap between knowledge and understanding agile values [24] within organizations. Development-oriented techniques evolve rapidly. In comparison, there are still challenges involving stakeholders and users into the agile processes (C2, C5, C6).
Moreover, the results show that the identified challenges are often not limited to ASD, but they rather refer to software development in general. Therefore, we can conclude that organizations still struggle with agile transition and understanding agile values, in particular, in terms of stakeholder and user involvement.
We have contributed to the body of knowledge of software development by identifying 20 challenges industry has to address at present in terms of agile RE. Six of these challenges have been defined as key challenges. In addition, we have analyzed options to deal with those key challenges by means of agile techniques recommended by the experts.
This paper investigates Expected Implementation Duration (EID) of a user story as a characteristic of granularity. We want to find out, whether it is suitable as a quality aspect and can help software teams improve their user stories.
We have conducted a study with software engineering practitioners. There, many user stories had a relatively high EID of four or more days. Many developers state to have experienced certain problems to occur more often with such coarse user stories. Our findings emphasize the importance to reflect on granularity when working with user stories.
A user story is an informal, generic description of a software feature written from the end user's perspective. Its purpose is to explain how a software feature could benefit the customer. Putting people first is a critical element of agile software development, and a user story accomplishes this by putting end-users at the center of the discussion. These anecdotes use non-technical language to describe the development team and their efforts. After reading a user story, the team understands why they are developing, what they are building, and what value it adds.
User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development is a book written by Mike Cohn. The book represents an effective means of gathering requirements from the customer. It also describes user stories and demonstrates how they can properly plan, manage, and test software development jobs.
Working in Public is a software developer reference book written by Nadia Eghbal. It takes an inside look at modern open-source software development. Eghbal also analyzes the role of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram that helps you to reduce infrastructure and distribution costs for creators.
In their book, Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit, Mary and Tom Poppendieck outlined how these Lean principles can be applied to software development. Here is a brief summary of each of these principles, as well as practical tips on how to apply them in software development.
"We are true believers in the agile methods described in this book, and have experienced a substantially positive impact from their implementation and continued use. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in making their software development more practical and effective."
This is where the no-code citizen app development comes to the rescue. No-code app development enables users to create their solutions without coding. This helps both ways. As for users, they no longer have to wait for months to get solutions from the IT department. And for software developers, it frees up their headspace to focus more on business-critical tasks.
No-code platforms allow users to create applications and solutions wholly based on visual interface and drag-and-drop. Low code, on the other hand, uses a bit of coding, and both types of platforms make the making of software and solutions for users simple. No-code citizen development can be done by business users with no coding skills. On the other hand, developers with good coding skills are needed to build solutions on low-code platforms.
According to Gartner, the market demand for app development services will grow at least 5x faster than IT capacity to deliver them. No-code is here to help software developers fill this wide IT gap, enabling business users to develop solutions on their own.
50. Scrum Certifications. For project professionals that focus on software development, Scrum certifications are an asset. Many in the project field have familiarity with agile principles. If you want to distinguish yourself from your peers, Scrum certifications offer a coherent approach to Agile software development.
Wrike is an award-winning collection of agile tools for project management suitable for teams of five or more. This highly configurable agile project management software allows users to customize workflows, dashboards, and reports.
Scrum is a methodology with a set of principles and a process to improve delivery. In software development, Scrum is one of the most popular frameworks applying the principles of agile. It includes a set of Scrum ceremonies and roles to support the process. The goal is to improve communication, teamwork and speed of development. Sprints, Scrums (or stand-up meetings), Retrospectives, backlogs, and burndowns are all parts of Scrum. 2ff7e9595c